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Package data

Data | Among JS

Among Us constants, enums, types, static game data, and more. This is part of Among JS, a simple and flexible library for interacting with the Among Us protocol. You can find documentation here.

The data is currently organized into 4 groups:

  • Enums: constants for flags, packet types, and game data like colors
  • Types: rich types for packets and mother structured data
  • Static: data taken from the game such as matchmaking servers and map layouts
  • Utilities: type assertions and functions to convert enums to human-readable text


Type aliases




Remote procedure call packet bodies. These are actually extensions of the regular game data packet but with more data including an RPC flag. https://wiki.weewoo.net/wiki/Protocol#2_-_RPC_Game_Data



  • Assert that the packet is an error (server -> client) instead of a join request.


    Returns assertsvalue is JoinGameErrorPayloadPacket


  • Assert that the packet is a join request (client -> server) instead of an error.


    Returns assertsvalue is JoinGameRequestPayloadPacket

Const prettyDisconnectReason

  • prettyDisconnectReason(reason: DisconnectReason): "The game you tried to join is full.Check with the host to see if you can join next round." | "The game you tried to join already started.Check with the host to see if you can join next round." | "You are running an older version of the game.Please update to play with others." | "You were banned from the room.You cannot rejoin that room." | "You were kicked from the room.You cannot rejoin that room." | "Server refused username." | "You were banned for hacking.Please stop." | "You disconnected from the host.If this happens often, check your WiFi strength." | "The server stopped this game. Possibly due to inactivity." | "The Among Us servers are overloaded.Sorry! Please try again later!" | "Could not find the game you're looking for." | "Custom" | "Forcibly disconnected from the server:The remote sent a disconnect request."
  • Convert a disconnect reason to a human-readable string as found in the game.


    Returns "The game you tried to join is full.Check with the host to see if you can join next round." | "The game you tried to join already started.Check with the host to see if you can join next round." | "You are running an older version of the game.Please update to play with others." | "You were banned from the room.You cannot rejoin that room." | "You were kicked from the room.You cannot rejoin that room." | "Server refused username." | "You were banned for hacking.Please stop." | "You disconnected from the host.If this happens often, check your WiFi strength." | "The server stopped this game. Possibly due to inactivity." | "The Among Us servers are overloaded.Sorry! Please try again later!" | "Could not find the game you're looking for." | "Custom" | "Forcibly disconnected from the server:The remote sent a disconnect request."

Const prettyGameDataType

  • prettyGameDataType(type: GameDataType): "generic data" | "rpc" | "spawn" | "despawn" | "scene change" | "ready" | "change settings"
  • Convert a game data type to a human-readable string.


    Returns "generic data" | "rpc" | "spawn" | "despawn" | "scene change" | "ready" | "change settings"

Const prettyPayloadType

  • Convert a payload type to a human-readable string.


    Returns string

Const prettyPlayerColor

  • prettyPlayerColor(color: PlayerColor): "red" | "blue" | "dark green" | "pink" | "orange" | "yellow" | "black" | "white" | "purple" | "brown" | "cyan" | "lime"
  • Convert a player color to a human-readable string.


    Returns "red" | "blue" | "dark green" | "pink" | "orange" | "yellow" | "black" | "white" | "purple" | "brown" | "cyan" | "lime"

Const prettyRPCFlag

  • prettyRPCFlag(type: RPCFlag): "PlayAnimation" | "CompleteTask" | "SyncSettings" | "SetInfected" | "Exiled" | "CheckName" | "SetName" | "CheckColor" | "SetColor" | "SetHat" | "SetSkin" | "ReportDeadBody" | "MurderPlayer" | "SendChat" | "StartMeeting" | "SetScanner" | "SendChatNote" | "SetPet" | "SetStartCounter" | "EnterVent" | "ExitVent" | "SnapTo" | "Close" | "VotingComplete" | "CastVote" | "ClearVote" | "AddVote" | "CloseDoorsOfType" | "RepairSystem" | "SetTasks" | "UpdateGameData"
  • Convert an RPC flag to a human-readable string


    Returns "PlayAnimation" | "CompleteTask" | "SyncSettings" | "SetInfected" | "Exiled" | "CheckName" | "SetName" | "CheckColor" | "SetColor" | "SetHat" | "SetSkin" | "ReportDeadBody" | "MurderPlayer" | "SendChat" | "StartMeeting" | "SetScanner" | "SendChatNote" | "SetPet" | "SetStartCounter" | "EnterVent" | "ExitVent" | "SnapTo" | "Close" | "VotingComplete" | "CastVote" | "ClearVote" | "AddVote" | "CloseDoorsOfType" | "RepairSystem" | "SetTasks" | "UpdateGameData"

Const prettyTaskType

  • prettyTaskType(type: TaskType): "Submit Scan" | "Prime Shields" | "Fuel Engines" | "Chart Course" | "Start Reactor" | "Swipe Card" | "Clear Asteroids" | "Upload Data" | "Inspect Sample" | "Empty Chute" | "Empty Garbage" | "Align Engine Output" | "Fix Wiring" | "Calibrate Distributor" | "Divert Power" | "Unlock Manifolds" | "Reset Reactor" | "Fix Lights" | "Clean O2 Filter" | "Fix Comms" | "Restore Oxygen" | "Stabilize Steering" | "Assemble Artifact" | "Sort Samples" | "Measure Weather" | "Enter Id Code"
  • Convert a task type to a human-readable string as seen in the task list in the game.


    Returns "Submit Scan" | "Prime Shields" | "Fuel Engines" | "Chart Course" | "Start Reactor" | "Swipe Card" | "Clear Asteroids" | "Upload Data" | "Inspect Sample" | "Empty Chute" | "Empty Garbage" | "Align Engine Output" | "Fix Wiring" | "Calibrate Distributor" | "Divert Power" | "Unlock Manifolds" | "Reset Reactor" | "Fix Lights" | "Clean O2 Filter" | "Fix Comms" | "Restore Oxygen" | "Stabilize Steering" | "Assemble Artifact" | "Sort Samples" | "Measure Weather" | "Enter Id Code"

Object literals

Const matchmakingServers

matchmakingServers: object

Known matchmaking servers by region.


ASIA: string[] = ['', '', '']


EU: string[] = ['', '']


NA: string[] = ['','','','','','','','']

Generated using TypeDoc