Game data and game data to packets.
All payload packets.
Remote procedure call packet bodies. These are actually extensions of the regular game data packet but with more data including an RPC flag.
Assert that the packet is an error (server -> client) instead of a join request.
Join error or join request
Assert that the packet is a join request (client -> server) instead of an error.
Join error or join request
Convert a disconnect reason to a human-readable string as found in the game.
Disconnect reason
Convert a game data type to a human-readable string.
Game data type
Convert a payload type to a human-readable string.
Payload type
Convert a player color to a human-readable string.
Player color
Convert an RPC flag to a human-readable string
RPC flag
Convert a task type to a human-readable string as seen in the task list in the game.
Task type
Known matchmaking servers by region.
Generated using TypeDoc
Data | Among JS
Among Us constants, enums, types, static game data, and more. This is part of Among JS, a simple and flexible library for interacting with the Among Us protocol. You can find documentation here.
The data is currently organized into 4 groups: